Skin Rejuvenation / Anti Aging

In terms of laser treatments costs, there is a wide range of options to suit most budgets! It depends on the intensity of the laser, the kind of laser being used, and the number of sessions required, among other considerations. In addition, skin tone, size, and location of the area need to be taken into account. We focus on your individual goals: what skin problems do you want to address, and what results are you hoping for? During a complimentary consultation with your personal skincare specialist, the exact Discovery Pico Laser treatment cost will be discussed in detail. If skin rejuvenation with the Discovery Pico laser is right for you, we will help customize a treatment plan that delivers results, while staying within your budget. To help keep our treatments both affordable and accessible, we accept all major credit cards as well as financing through CareCredit®.

Skin Rejuvenation

Discovery Pico laser technology disintegrates and removes unwanted pigment without leading to skin damage. A series of Skin Revitalization treatments can:

  • Remove tattoos of any color
  • Removes discoloration/sun damage (Solar lentigines, brown spots, freckles)
  • Reduce, control melasma and post-acne discoloration
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Effective on acne scars
  • Tightens skin/jumpstarts collagen
  • Remove broken capillaries/spider veins
  • Rosacea
  • Epidermal Nevi (Moles and birthmarks)
  • Hypertrophic Scars
  • Syringoma (Small sand-sized bumps under the skin surface)
  • Surgical or trauma scars
  • Gentle laser treatment with little to no downtime
  • FDA cleared and scientifically proven


Ablative vs Non-Ablative

Ablative laser resurfacing
Ablative lasers are often considered the “gold standard” in terms of skin resurfacing. These lasers come in two types — the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and the YAG, or Erbium laser. The reason ablative lasers are preferred over non-ablative is that they penetrate deeper into the skin, and are generally considered more intense and effective, even in extreme cases.
Because of this, you typically only need single ablative laser treatment to get solid results. But here’s the downside: the recovery period is long and complex, and it can cost as much as double compared to non-ablative lasers.